I'd like to bid on these but I only bid on verified Listians since I've been burned so many times already. Would you please get verified? I;'d really love to bid on these. Thank you.
I am working on that since I do not have a Facebook account. I assure you if you are the winner you will receive your them. I am a seller on eBay as well if you would like to check out my feed back. I understand about being burned! I have had my share as well.
Thank you for responding. I will be bidding. FYI...You do not need a Facebook account.All you have to do is move your cursor over the little circles under your name on your profile page to where it says something like "Get Verified" and click on that one, then follow directions. It's really simple and only takes a minute. You'll get lots more bidders on your auctions. :-)