Free: Lot of 23 MTG cards (BLACK) - Trading Cards - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Lot of 23 MTG cards (BLACK)

Lot of 23 MTG cards (BLACK)
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The listing, Lot of 23 MTG cards (BLACK) has ended.

This is a lot of 23 MTG cards, all Black. There are 2 walls (4th edition) and 21 creature cards. Most are rats. This was a special request from a fellow Listian, but they are up for anyone to bid on. I am adding a GIN in case anyone wants them before someone else gets them. Most are newer series (kamagawa). One is a RARE legendary creature, and one is a Summon Legend. They are all in MINT condition. A few were used, in sleeves, many were not ever used.
Questions & Comments
W/F/B... cool cards... don't happen to have any "Relentless Rats" do you... ? I'd certainly bid more if you would include some (if you have them) I actually clicked on this hopeing that you had some of them when I saw on the preview that this was a bunch of rat cards... thanks =)
Sep 24th, 2011 at 3:21:53 AM PDT by
I will look and see. I don't think I do, but maybe one of my kids or my husband does. Thanks for looking and happy bidding!
Sep 24th, 2011 at 3:29:01 AM PDT by
I appreciate you taking the time to check... thanks =)
Sep 25th, 2011 at 10:53:34 AM PDT by
No problem. I will look through the rest of them in a few minutes.
Sep 25th, 2011 at 11:59:43 AM PDT by
If I happen across any more rats, I will be sure to offer another auction, so don't miss out on these, and keep watching for more. I will let you know if I do offer more of these. ALSO if anyone has any requests for specific types of MTG auctions, let me know and I will do my best!!! The all must go! I also sell some on another auction site.
Sep 27th, 2011 at 4:04:16 AM PDT by

Lot of 23 MTG cards (BLACK) is in the Collectibles | Trading Cards category