Free: **TIERED AUCTION** Basic Pokemon Card Lot - Trading Cards - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: **TIERED AUCTION** Basic Pokemon Card Lot

**TIERED AUCTION** Basic Pokemon Card Lot
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The listing, **TIERED AUCTION** Basic Pokemon Card Lot has ended.

These Pokemon Cards are in playable condition. They have no major Rips, Stains, or Creases.

1-50 credits= 5 cards (cards pictured)
51-100 credits= 10 cards (cards pictured + your choice of 5 more)
101-150 credits= 15 cards (cards pictured + your choice of 10 more)
151-200 credits= 20 cards (cards pictured + your choice of 15 more)
201-250 credits= 25 cards (cards pictured + your choice of 20 more)
251-300 credits= 30 cards (cards pictured + your choice of 25 more)
301-350 credits= 35 cards (cards pictured + your choice of 30 more)
351-400 credits= 40 cards (cards pictured + your choice of 35 more)
401-450 credits= 45 cards (cards pictured + your choice of 40 more)
451-500 credits= 50 cards (all cards listed below)

And for every 100 credits over 500, you get 1 legendary!!!

List of cards (Cards pictured + Your Choice at 51+ credits):

Raiku, Tangela, Qwilfish, Baltoy, Seviper, Krabby, Larvitar, Shellos (WEST SEA), Machop, Magnemite, Bagon, Porygon, Ditto (Geodude form), Vulpix, Barboach, Swablu, Sentret, Wurmple, Poliwag, Wooper, Maditite, Volbeat, Diglett, Magby, Carvanha, Smeargle, Swinub, Mankey, Dratini, Feebas, Treecko, Chimchar, Riolu, Piplup, Duskull, Mudkip, Tailow, Weedle, Cyndaquil, Mareep, Electabuzz, Rhyhorn, Trapinch, Snorunt, Slowpoke, Aron, Clefairy, Doduo, Seel, and Cacnea.

Legendaries (After 500 Credits, Your Choice):

Dialga G
Mewtwo (Delta Species)
And Mew (I have 5 Mews to choose from!)

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to ask. :)
Questions & Comments
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are any of these promo cards?
Apr 7th, 2010 at 2:08:06 PM PDT by
No, but some of the legendaries are either holo or reverse holo!
Apr 7th, 2010 at 5:35:21 PM PDT by
No, but some of the legendaries are either holo or reverse holo!
Apr 7th, 2010 at 4:11:01 PM PDT by

**TIERED AUCTION** Basic Pokemon Card Lot is in the Collectibles | Trading Cards category