I won't NOT buy a breakaway, but Booty goes through them like J. Lo goes through husbands! Now he broke-away his Flea & Tick collars too! And it wasnt due for replacement until February! We love him so much, but, boy, is he a LITTLE STINKER! (He found us 7/8 STARVED. He was so pitifully skinny. Now he's our Big Boy and surprisingly has zero food"issues."
Haha I got my kitty at an animal shelter when she was 4 months old. I really really wanted a kitty lucky me (and her) she was the last kitty left. She's a total sweetheart I'm glad I got her. I spoil her so much. I got this collar for her but when I put it on her I realized it really didn't "pop out" much cuz of her fur color. Hope we find another owner for this cute collar ^^ good luck on your bidding :) your cat sounds like he's a keeper lol
You can do what we do and buy the flea and Tick collars with the rellective stripe through the middle. They last 8 months... except on Booty, he loses them at 3 months. But the cheaper, shorter-lasting collars don't have the reflection and worse, don't break away. I'd die if my cat accidentally hanged himself! I'll just keep buying them ...every three months! (Sigh) Such a STINKER! I also had just put new silver charms on his collar too! If youbwant a couple, message me your address, tell me what you like and I'll send you a few!