Okay, besides the three Coach Wristlets I have up for suction I own an additional six that I bought myself new at Coach in Aventura Mall in Miami. Different from Coach Purses which always have something inside that says Coach, the wristlets DO NOT HAVE a coach rage inside, only a Made In China tag. I calked the store where they were purchased and I was told that they DO NOT put a Ciach label inside a Wristlet. so I guess you have to go by my reputation and believe when I say these are absolutely Authentic Coach Wristlets. if any one is reading this and you own a Coach Wristlet please check and let us all know if there is a COACH tag inside. Thanks I guess there are people who would stick a Coach hang tag on any old Wristlet but that would be incredibly dishonest and I never would even have thought of doing something like that.
I checked my wristlets and reddred01 you are correct mine don't have any either! u know the ones u have listed are real disregard comments about authentic or not!!