I'll still take my chances--if there's one key in that bunch I can use, it's definitely Excellion's, since I found the Excellion figure at a thrift shop a year ago.
I may have solved the mystery of your unmarked keys.
Before I get into that, I should note that of the ones you marked, Override came with a gold and red key, not the silver and red ones you have here. Check TFU.info for more on that.
Anyway, the other keys go to the following:
The red key with the silver Autobot symbol goes to either -The Sam's Club-exclusive Optimus Prime http://tfu.info/2008/Autobot/SamsClubOptimusPrime/optimusprime.htm
-Or the Target-exclusive Universe Springer or Roadbuster http://tfu.info/2008/Autobot/TFUSpringer/springer.htm http://tfu.info/2008/Autobot/TFURoadbuster/roadbuster.htm
The purple-ish key with the silver Decepticon logo goes to either the Target-exclusive Universe Ratbat or Dirge http://tfu.info/2008/Decepticon/TFURatbat/ratbat.htm http://tfu.info/2008/Decepticon/TFUDirge/dirge.htm
The gold and blue sun key goes to either the Cybertron Starscream or Cybertron Evac http://tfu.info/2005/Decepticon/Starscream/starscream.htm
Also, the red key/silver Autobot logo could also go to the 2007 Movie line's Wingblade or Breakaway: http://tfu.info/2008/Autobot/Wingblade/wingblade.htm http://www.tfu.info/2008/Autobot/Breakaway/breakaway.htm
The black and silver key with the red Autobot logo is a real stumper to me.