Free: TEMPORORY TATTOOS!!!!!! (( NEW )) - Other Toys & Hobbies - Auctions for Free Stuff


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The listing, TEMPORORY TATTOOS!!!!!! (( NEW )) has ended.

Here i have alot of temporory tattoos for you to enjoy
depends on the bids of how many youll be getting
like if bids go to say 500 youll get 5 if bids go to 1000 you get 10 so this is how this goes for every 500 ill add 5 tattoos
they are very pretty flowers of different kinds of flowers and some have butterflies on them also

please so lets have fun with this auction and bid bid bid
plus please make sure your verfity and i get your address if not dont bid

all listia rules apply

gl and happy bidding

if you want them right away please pm about a gin before someone bids ty
and if gin is used you ll get 40 total gl :)
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TEMPORORY TATTOOS!!!!!! (( NEW )) is in the Toys & Hobbies | Other Toys & Hobbies category