The listing, Avon rep/sample dream lot! has ended.
7 days only, hurry wont last! Use to sell Avon. No longer need this stuff due to no longer selling.
5 order books, 3 credit card forms
9 fund raiser env, 9 money collection env.
3 Anew Clin. Derma-Full filling serum sample cards
3 Anew Clin. Derma-Full filling cream
1 pk or 5 Ideal shade foundation selectors
1 Ultra Color Rich Shade select.
1 pk of spatulas
3 50ct clear bags
60 White small bags
30 White large bags
2 unisex ring sizers
4 Anew Age Transf. Samples
1 pk Rare Pearls Sample
1 pk Iron Man sample 4 men
1 pk Bali Bliss sample
6 magix face perf sample
4 Perfect wear liq foundation samples
7 Ideal Shade liq foundation samples
3 Anew Intensive eye cream samples
1 Absynthe Vial sample
2 Rouge vial samples
2 Mark glow baby glow lip gloss
1 am/pm total radiance sample
1 mark see things clearly sample
2 Mark that's deep sample
2 mark calming effects sample
3 Anew photo rad. treatment samples
Bag full o lip color samples
22 Ultra Rich lip colors (black bottoms)
4 Pro 2 go
4 Perfect wear
6 Anew youth awaking.
This is a great starter lot or even for someone who just loves the samples of all the products. Don't forget to check out the other great Avon sample packs that will be up for bids soon as well! Pay with paypal only.