It wouldn't let you upload the photo of your iPod turned on because there's less than 24 hours left on your auction. Once the time is under 24 hours to go, you cannot change anything about the auction (description, shipping, adding photos, etc).
Don't Waste your credits bidding guys, it's too close to Christmas to have credits held up for a week - or two! Seller is fairly new, with little good feedback. After asked many times to post pic of it on, seller never actually does, nor does he show pic of it in his possession. He stated that listia wouldn't let him upload new pic since he waited til the last day to upload them so he listed a seperate auction, just to show this item turned ON. THAT other auction is a plain black pic with a screen in the center ON. Could truly be any ones picture, doesn't make me feel comfortable at all in bidding. Not to mention that fake auction to just show a pic of this ipod on, has bids since he stated BID in the description. So, he's auctioning this twice? Most new sellers who are legit and plan to ship will do all they can to please their bidders, post pic, updates, replyes, possession, etc, bc they want their bidders to know they are now scamming. This just seems very fishy to me.