When you are listing an auction, after you have filled in all the info and you go down to click to make the auction live, off to the left is a small-ish button that says "advanced options" and you click on that. It pulls up a new thing and you see an empty box, and you can start the auction bid off at 0-100 credits. Just put whatever number you want into the box. (I hope I explained that right. Lol)
You said that "starting bids need to be above 200 credits" and I just wanted to let you know that unless someone bids way up high and then someone else comes along and tries to top that bid, the bidders have no control over how high the credit bid is. If I bid 150 credits, and someone else bids up to 98 and then no one else bids, then I would win the auction for 98 credits, even though I bid 150, because no one else bid higher than me. 100 pieces is most certainly worth a high credit - I would expect 400+credits at least by the time it ends. I hope the bids get high for you, especially seeing that you are offering free shipping. Anyway, I just thought I would tell you about the credit thing because I didn't want you to think that no one bid high. It is only if someone else keeps bidding until they have the highest bid that you start getting high numbers. :) Good luck!! Fanned and bidding :)
PS: What all is in the bag? I mean, obviously I'm not expecting you to list every single thing LOL I was just wanting an idea of what we were bidding on besides a bag full of 100+ pieces of jewelry. What kinds of jewelry do you have - like, is it all bead work or do you have other types too? I love jewelry, even though I don't wear it much. So i was just wondering :)