Free: "True Crimes" Cruel Games by Rose Ciotta - Nonfiction Books - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: "True Crimes" Cruel Games by Rose Ciotta

"True Crimes" Cruel Games by Rose Ciotta
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The listing, "True Crimes" Cruel Games by Rose Ciotta has ended.

Read only once in great condition. Cruel Games: University of Pennsylvania professor Rafael Robb was in a class of his own. An expert on game theory, his colleagues and students marveled over his brilliance. But his wife, Ellen, knew his dark, calculating side...and in December 2006, after years of alleged psychological abuse, she was finally ready to leave him. Her divorce papers were nearly in order and she was about to sign a lease on a new home-and a new life. Until she was found dead in the home she shared with Rafael and their daughter, Olivia.
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"True Crimes" Cruel Games by Rose Ciotta is in the Books | Nonfiction Books category