The listing, Up Jumped the Devil by Blair S. Walker has ended.
From its in-your-face, crude talking cops to its ever-more-juvenile delinquents to its raging racial tensions, Baltimore is a tough town. The town's best chronicler is a cop reporter Darryl Billups - a man who doesn't want much except to be left alone so he can do his job without kissing any butt. With a new woman in his life and an antagonistic boss, Darryl's not eager to take on anyone else's problems, so when an anonmous voice amil message warns him of an impending wave of white supremacist violence, Darrly pays no heed until bombs start going off all over the city leaving a philanthropist dead, a populace panicked and Billlups a believer in the Devil. When the headquarters of the NAACP is targeted, Billup's world is rocked in ways he never imagined possible, entangling him in a deadly urban nightmare.