Very nice!!!! If you were to put a GIN on it, how many credits would it be and how many more could we get? I am willing to bid on all, I will take them all! I belong to a church and these will make great gifts for all~ how many credits would I have to bid. I only have 600 and have other auction bids going. Thank you for sharing!! =D
Oh one more thing if you give me a price for about 25 I will see If I can send a money order for that. I know the people at my small congregation would really appreciate them and love them!!
These are gorgeous. I make crosses out of plastic canvas and thread with thin ribbon. My son was in juvie at 16 and I made about 50 for family and friends who were praying for him at Easter. Since then I make and give them away. I will definitely bid on these. Good luck and have a Blessed day.
Hello again, just wanted to say.......i didn't mean to be greedy!! :( I go crazy for handmade items especially christian items! Good Luck to the higest bidder!! =D