Free: Red Nerium Oleander W/GIN - Gardening Seeds & Bulbs - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Red Nerium Oleander W/GIN

Red  Nerium Oleander W/GIN
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The listing, Red Nerium Oleander W/GIN has ended.

This auction is for 25+ seeds

Oleanders thrive in our irrigated desert landscape as these evergreen shrubs or small trees are native to the Mediterranean regions of southern Europe and southwest Asia.

Oleander has been cultivated in North America since 1565 and its popularity in the southern tier of the United States continues today because of its bountiful flowering habit.

Plants tolerant to heat, drought and salt are important for our area; oleander is all of these. It grows well on sandy soils and is widely cultivated near roadsides, lawns and gardens.

Each cluster of flowers develops on the tips of branches and is composed of several 3 to 4 inch red flowers. Few insects attack oleander.

This evergreen shrub reaches 6 to 12 feet or even more in height and is hardy in zones 8-11.

Although the flowers are poisonous as most tropical's are this plant is very tolerant of deer, drought, heat & humidity, pollution, rabbits, seashore, slopes and wind.
These seeds are taken from our home in Arizona, all were taken from bright red bushes as seen in photo.
Questions & Comments
is this poisonous to cats?
Mar 21st, 2016 at 7:52:53 AM PDT by
My cats have never tried to eat it. So I want to say no.
Mar 21st, 2016 at 11:56:24 AM PDT by

Red Nerium Oleander W/GIN is in the Home & Garden | Gardening | Gardening Seeds & Bulbs category