Free: Gerbra Daisy Orange seeds. - Gardening Seeds & Bulbs - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Gerbra Daisy Orange seeds.

Gerbra Daisy Orange seeds.
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The listing, Gerbra Daisy Orange seeds. has ended.

This is for 30 seeds. If gin is used I will send an additional 20 seeds.

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How to grow Gerbra Daisy #2
How to Plant and Grow Gerbera Daisy Seeds
Preparing to plant daisy seeds.
Step #1: Prepare Trays: Fill trays or pots with a light seed starting medium, or make your own mix using peat moss, perlite, and vermiculite. Dampen the medium with water.
Step #2: Plant Seeds: Use a toothpick to poke a hole in the planting medium. Plant the Gerbera daisy seeds with the seed end pointing down, and the little brush part just barely at the top of the soil.
Step #3: Grow Seeds: Keep the seeds moist, but not waterlogged, and above 70° F, with eight hours or more of bright light per day. The easiest way to do this is to cover the trays with a clear plastic tent and place them indoors in a bright window or under grow lights. When the Gerbera daisy seeds germinate in two to three weeks, remove the plastic cover but keep the seedlings moist.
Gerbera daisy seedling.
Step #4: Transplant Seedlings: After the Gerbera daisy seedlings have developed two sets of true leaves, you can carefully transplant the plants to larger pots.
Step #5: Harden Plants: When it’s consistently warm outside, and the Gerbera daisy plants are hardy and growing, move the pots outdoors to a protected spot for a few days to get the young plants used to the breezes and temperature shifts found outside.
Step #6: Enjoy Flowers: At this point, you can leave the daisies in their pots or plant them in the yard. Locate the plants in a spot with plenty of morning sun and a little afternoon shade to keep them from wilting. Feed the plants regularly with a balanced organic fertilizer, and keep them watered but not soggy.
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Gerbra Daisy Orange seeds. is in the Home & Garden | Gardening | Gardening Seeds & Bulbs category