Free: Star Wars The force awakens - Other DVDs & Movies - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Star Wars The force awakens

Star Wars The force awakens
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The listing, Star Wars The force awakens has ended.

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Questions & Comments
Can't believe this hasn't been GIN already, it's easily worth 100,000 credits.
Apr 14th, 2016 at 1:43:16 PM PDT by
I lowered the amount of credits and no luck yet. Haha guess everyone went and bought it on dvd/Bluray
Apr 14th, 2016 at 5:19:57 PM PDT by
Star Wars Code Sellers Unite... If we as sellers are to get a fair price off of these codes we must all band together and put them up as a GIN of 100,000.

Why you ask? It's simple really. As a Experienced Listian for many years I have learned that buyers for the most part are cheap and are looking to get something for basically nothing or for far less than what it is worth.

Selling this code at a GIN of 100,000 is very fair to both parties. As the Credit to Dollar Ratio is 7,500 - 8,300 per U.S. Dollar. So if you sell this code at a GIN of 100,000 credits using the low end of the credit ratio of 7,500, that means the buyer is getting this code for roughly $13.00. Which is a STEAL, as you can't buy this code anywhere else for that cheap of a price.

For every person who sells it for lower than that, you are not only cheating yourself, you are cheating other sellers out of what this code should be going for at a minimum of 100,000 credits.

If we all list it at 100,000 GIN buyers will have no choice but to pay that very FAIR price, and the sellers will get their money's worth....
Apr 16th, 2016 at 9:26:46 AM PDT by

Star Wars The force awakens is in the Movies & TV Shows | Other DVDs & Movies category