5 FREE Purple Pampas Grass to Celebrate My 55th BIRTHDAY !!!...
April 23rd - Apr 30th Only...
This variety of COLEUS is noted for it's LARGE VELVETY Leaves in BRIGHT WARM Colors... Rich Red, Yellow, Copper and Pink tones abound in the mixture... An excellent Ornamental Foliage plant for the house or GARDEN. Especially attractive in Containers...
Days to germinate: 7-14...
Depth to sow: 1/8"...
Seed spacing: 4-6"...
Grows to 12"+ ...
Sow outdoors in part shade or shade after danger of frost has gone... Press seeds lightly in soil... For earlist blossoms start indoors 6 wks before last frost date... Transplant after danger of frost...
*** Pinch off pale blue flower spikes to promote leafy growth***
SHIPPING to U.S. Only...
⭐⭐TYSM Everyone for Celebrating My BIRTHDAY With Me:) ⭐⭐!!!...
❤All proceeds go to
G.A.I.L.S. GARDEN (Giving Aid to Isolated Lonely Seniors) which provides Fresh Fruits and Vegetables to Elders so the can save money for much needed Prescriptions and/or
Utilities... TYSM...
** I work for a charity that helps seniors and lately have been loosing credits and seeds due to PPL wanting g a refund After 2-3 Days !!! Plz due not ask for a REFUND as you WILL NOT get one !!! I apologize guys but I don't need the Stress & Headaches. Just consider your winning bid a Contribution!!! TYSM...
Plzzz Do Not Email asking where your seeds are at before the 7 day period is up !!!...
Do Not Expect Me to drop everything just to answer your Email...
And Do Not file for Refund because I haven't Emailed you back !!!... No Refunds !!!...
Because of the Email overload I'm losing Valuable Time and finding myself having to rush to get out seeds.... This has caused me all too often to forget to Click that seeds/bulbs have been sent...
If I haven't clicked sent in 7 days then Plzzz let me know !!! Otherwise your seeds have been sent !!!...