Free: Assassins creed revelations Ezio's Turkish Assassin Armor DLC(PS3) - Video Game Prepaid Cards & Codes - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Assassins creed revelations Ezio's Turkish Assassin Armor DLC(PS3)

Assassins creed revelations Ezio's Turkish Assassin Armor DLC(PS3)
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The listing, Assassins creed revelations Ezio's Turkish Assassin Armor DLC(PS3) has ended.

Amid flashes of metal and the whir of blades, the cold steel face of this armor will be the last thing your enemies see. Armor of the late Ottoman Vizier Ishak Pasha, Sipahi Cavalryman and Assassin. It was he who, as a fiery young soldier, commanded the assault that killed feared Wallachian Prince, Vlad III Tepes. Later in life, instead of advancing the Empire's expansionist ambitions, Ishak used his high position to curb his Sultan's more obvious excesses. Download your free DLC armor in Assassin's Creed: Revelations now!

Here's your download code for Ezio's Turkish Assassin Armor in Assassin's Creed: Revelations! To redeem it, follow the instructions below.

1. Login to your PlayStation®Network account or create a new account.
2. From the PlayStation Network icon on the XMB™ (XcrossMediaBar), select the PlayStation®Store.
3. Click the "Redeem Codes" icon located on the upper right of the screen and enter your Voucher code.
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Assassins creed revelations Ezio's Turkish Assassin Armor DLC(PS3) is in the Video Games & Consoles | Video Game Prepaid Cards & Codes category