Also, I would love to know the translation, if you can make it out. I honestly didn't even realize it wasn't in English because it was too small to read!
I don't want to leave a question unanswered, if the question "what does it say?" was about the heart dangle, it says something like "made with love". I did not make it, just to be clear. Thank you
That's fine I am pretty sure it is in Italian which I can speak is there anyway you could type out what it says and I'll just translate it?I can't really see in the picture is the only reason I ask.
I cannot make out the writing, and I can't find my reading glasses. So , I just added photos, and enlarged them for you. (Look under auction "updates.) Hope that answers your question. If not, let me know. Thanks!
I am NOT being sarcastic with this question. When people comment on say, this auction, are those comments visible to everyone that checks? I thought they were but then I get a lot of repeat questions and so I'm wondering if they maybe can't see the Q&A's already posted?? Anyway if anyone reads this, let me know because I'm not sure. Thanks