Free: Puzzle Pieces - Other Craft Items - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Puzzle Pieces

Puzzle Pieces
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The listing, Puzzle Pieces has ended.

Does anyone do crafts with puzzle pieces? I have more than enough to last a lifetime! So, I thought that I would list some 4 X 6" baggies full of puzzle pieces in case anyone needs them for crafting. This baggy is full of ones that were part of a puzzle that featured tons of dice, so the pieces are a lot of white with black dots. All in good shape...never gotten wet or anything.

Free Shipping in US only; however, if you live outside of US and would like me to see if I can ship free to you, or what the shipping charge would be, please contact me!
Questions & Comments
Apr 29th, 2010 at 10:04:40 PM PDT by

Puzzle Pieces is in the Crafts | Other Craft Items category