Free: Grizzly Falls, new in sealed pkg, adventure, family, rated pg, dvd - DVD - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Grizzly Falls, new in sealed pkg, adventure, family, rated pg, dvd

Grizzly Falls, new in sealed pkg, adventure, family, rated pg, dvd
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The listing, Grizzly Falls, new in sealed pkg, adventure, family, rated pg, dvd has ended.

Grizzly Falls, new in sealed pkg,
action, adventure, pg rating, great family film
Daniel Clark plays Harry, a lad of around 8 who accompanies Tyrone (Bryan Brown), his thrill-seeking dad, on a mission to the Colorado Rockies, where he intends to be the first to capture a live grizzly. It's the early 1900s, so the means by which Tyrone plans to snare the beast aren't especially humane--at a saloon stop, he hires five tough guys, one with a team of hounds. Then the hunt begins. The hounds' punishing master quickly emerges as a villain; when he and two dogs are mauled by the grizzly, he exacts revenge by caging the bear's cubs. She, in classic righteous-mother mode, retaliates by dragging Harry into the woods. What follows is a desperate chase through beautiful countryside by tireless Tyrone and the blossoming of an impossible boy-bear friendship. Mizzy, as Harry comes to call the bear, protects him from dangers of the wild while leading the boy to her caged cubs, who are traveling east with the ornery houndskeeper. There's a showdown when the animal family is reunited, but Harry and Tyrone extinguish a series of confrontations handily, then move on to cement their own iffy relationship. The surplus of action scenes in this PG-rated movie will wow kids 8 and up.
Get it now in time for Christmas. Thanks for looking, and have a Merry Blessed Christmas!
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-(¯* •. ¸ ¸. • * '¯)-
( )( )
Dec 14th, 2011 at 12:09:35 AM PST by
Thats a funny looking face on my comment but I can't get it to stay in place so the nose etc stays in right place. Guess I'll have to keep trying.
Dec 14th, 2011 at 12:10:54 AM PST by
watching, fanned you, bidding.
Dec 15th, 2011 at 3:41:40 AM PST by

Grizzly Falls, new in sealed pkg, adventure, family, rated pg, dvd is in the Movies & TV Shows | DVD category