The listing, Chakra Necklace, Gold tone, 7 Energy Centers of the Body, Choice of Chain, Plus Bonus Earrings has ended.
"Where there is love, there is life." ... Gandhi
I have a gold tone Chakra Necklace. It measures 1 1/2 inches long & 1 1/4 inches wide. Pick a 20 or 24 inch gold tone chain. Plus, choose a Bonus pair of Wavy Hoop Earrings OR Gaia (goddess) Earrings.
According to Tantric tradition, we have 7 energy centers that serve as junction points between the body & consciousness, or between matter & the mind. These spinning vortices or wheels, called chakras in Sanskrit, receive, assimilate & express our vital life energy. When the flow of energy in one or more of the chakras becomes blocked, we may develop physical & mental illnesses.
*1st Chakra, MULADHARA (red) - The 'root' chakra is located at the base of the spine. Basic survival & sense of belonging.
*2nd Chakra, SVADHISTHANA (orange) - is in the reproductive area. Sex, birth & creativity.
*3rd Chakra MANIPURA (yellow) - is located in the solar plexus. Self esteem & personal power.
*4th Chakra ANAHATA (green) - The "heart chakra. Compassion & love.
*5th Chakra VISHUDDHA (blue) - is in the throat. Communication, self-expression, & the ability to voice our dreams.
*6th Chakra AINA (indigo) - The ‘brow chakra” or the “third eye” is between the eyes. Insight, intuition & pereception.
*7th Chakra SASHSWARA (violet) - The “crown chakra.”resides at the crown of the head. It is known as the “Thousand Petaled Lotus,” which bursts open when we remember our true nature & experiences. It connects us to higher consciousness, pure awareness & enlightenment. Spiritual.
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wicca, yoga, meditation, buddha