sheesh Godsmacker this new seller is offering free shipping don't be so paranoid- Listia offers a bid protection system for winning bidders and such. and look the seller now has pictures of the item. not everyone on Listia is bad and a scammer.
arsenio - usps has delivery confirmation/tracking numbers, it's about $0.80 when u take it into the post office to pay, and i believe it's free if you print postage from usps[dot]com
@Smurff Delivery confirmation costs about $0.80 yes when you buy it at the local USPS post office- but the packages has to be at least 3/4 of an inch thick or more- if not you will most likely need to pay for certified mail which is around $2 which gets the signature of whoever receives and sign it and also gives tracking. delivery confirmation is NOT entirely free when you print postage online- it is free on shipping labels of USPS Priority Mail which causes $4 and up as well as on USPS Express Mail which costs $10 and up and along with it insurance up to $100 and signature confirmation is provided as well. as well you can print postage online at usps stamps com and so on. good luck!