✨✨ Leaving for California Sept 2nd ✨✨
The Mealy Sage Blue Bedder is a Dependable Heirloom Variety of Heirloom Mealy Sage with Intensely Violet-Blue Spikes of Flowers...
It's Extremely EASY to GROW which makes it Great for Begginers...
In Climates with Mild Winters it can be a Perennial but Most People Grow it as an Annual...
Deadhead it thru the Summer/Fall and it will keep reblooming but at towardsbthe end of the season I let mine go to seed for 2 Reasons...
#1... I collect the Seeds for The following Years and #2... It will reseed itself so I'll have Salvia next year w/o having to do anything :) which makes it like a Perennial :)...
They prefer Full Sun but mine like afternoon Sun during our 90°+ Summers and will grow to be 2 - 3 ft Tall (the top of the flower)...
Just sprinkle Seeds on top of the soil and Gently pat them down (Seeds need light to Germinate) which can take 7 to 14 days... And Most Importantly keep them Moist while germinating and till plant I'd established (has strong Roots)... Once established they are somewhay drought tolerant and are hardier than a lot of plants...
Beautiful Background Plant for Smaller Plants and they can also be grown in Containers/ Pots...
SHIPPING to U.S. Only...
Overnite Shipping excludes P.O. Boxes will be Delivered via USPS...
TYSM Everyone for ALL Your Support :)...