Hey cubcake i play clubpenguin and if the code doesn't work and you had gotton it with the code un-scratched it should work. If not you might have to go to www.clubpenguin.com/support to get help. They will aks a penguin name or something, but you can say that your son had got it as a gift from his teacher and didn't want it so you decided to auction it and the winner found the not to be working. So yeah. hope that helps!
i emailed them (no response yet)and tried to also set up an acount w/that pin # ,i also got the same error message as the buyer got.these were given to my kids xmas last year,although i didn't think they expired,i don't want to feel like i am cheating anyone,so i will refund credits.thanks for the help!
well.the reply was a generic welcome to club penguin email,i dont know if i should contact support and try to get a membership going or leave that up to the winner,if somehow it did work for me,i will give the winner the account info to access it(i won't use it).i will gladly refund credits if the winner prefers.