The listing, Wolf Cartouche Earrings, Symbol of Honesty & Vigilance, Plus Choice of Bonus Earrings, New has ended.
It was the wolf in me,
Body and soul on fire,
In the cold, full moon,
Blood, red, desire,
It was the wolf in me,
You know it felt so true,
The night I ran with the wolves,
Tonight I come for you...
by Motorhead, In the Year of the Wolf (lyrics)
I have Wolf Cartouche Earrings. The cartouche is about the size of a penny. You have to have these. Plus, choose a Bonus pair of Peace Sign, Arrow OR Skull & Crossbones Earrings.
The wolf represents courage & victory. It is a symbol for companion & guardian. It is seen as a powerful symbol of loyalty, faithfulness, honesty, intelligence, vigilance & the fight against injustice. Man’s relationships with wolves goes back over 40,000 years. In Egypt, the guardian of the dead was Anubis who was a jackal-headed god. The black jackal (associated with the wolf) was the symbol of death & regeneration, and the protector of souls that entered the underworld. The Greeks & Romans associated the wolf with the star (Sirius), the wolf star or dog star. The wolf's ability see well in the dark made it a symbol of instinctive knowledge. The wolf was also seen as the Great Goddess or Mother. In ancient Mexico, the wolf was buried with human sacrifice so that it could guide them to the hereafter; while in ancient Scottish legend the green wolf of the faerie world was believed to drive nursing mothers into the hills to provide milk for the faeries. The wolf is a powerful totem to Native Americans. They admired the wolf’s stamina, ability to track well & go without food for long periods. In modern day, a wolf is a beloved human companion & friend because of its fidelity, loyalty, & affection.
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