It did. One of the others after it, and I don't remember which one, just was stiff as to the way the first was = or I'm just remembering it that way. I was also dissapointed because Jill Valentine is gone and I liked playing her. lol
Pretty simple ... paypal me the funds, I place in box and mail to you with a tracking no. if you want it. Thanks for asking. I inherited a ton of movies and now that I'm into the boxes, games as well. Can't afford to free ship that many things. Happy New Year!
Oh yeah - it was a great one. Those dogs, when they first jump through the window at you are pretty bad. I liked the room with the paintings you have to figure out ...
hey I didn`t know they had a changing room for Jill my kids have played it thousand of times and never should me that .but the first I played it the dogs got me to ,
hey fanned n watcin i love thiz game imm biggredds1968 son bradley. i played all the resident evils but degeneration they got good graphics and lotz of zombies