Free: Rosemary cuttings - Live Plants - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Rosemary cuttings

Rosemary cuttings
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Rosemary cuttings from my garden. You will get SIX cuttings 3-6 inches each. Root in water after removing bottom leaves.
Very healthy, aromatic plant. I love them for the aroma alone but is a wonderful addition to chicken, fish and vegetable dishes fresh or dried. To dry shoots simply bind together and hang upside down adding a wonderful natural scent to your kitchen as well. Also used in potpourri. Or hang cuttings in the shower.
They can also be potted in a sunny pot inside. A great addition to a kitchen herb garden, adding continual fragrance to its surroundings.

No refunds. These will sprout well as I start my own additional plants from these cuttings and they do extremely well.
Questions & Comments
Oct 3rd, 2016 at 2:14:54 PM PDT by

Rosemary cuttings is in the Home & Garden | Gardening | Live Plants category