Free: CPU FAN and Heat Sink for AM3 Motherboards - Computer Components - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: CPU FAN and Heat Sink for AM3 Motherboards

CPU FAN and Heat Sink for AM3 Motherboards
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The listing, CPU FAN and Heat Sink for AM3 Motherboards has ended.

I have a CPU Fan with Heatsink included. It was only used 1 day before I upgraded to a larger CPU fan.

This item is in good working order and is very quiet and smooth.

FREE SHIPPING if bidding reaches over 3000 credits.

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Questions & Comments
Do you know if this will fit on a am2 or do you have a model number so i can look it up myself
Dec 28th, 2011 at 2:54:17 PM PST by
I will check. If it has a part number I will get it for you. Otherwise, I will have to do some research to check. But right now, I think the answer is no. Let's see.
Dec 28th, 2011 at 3:24:28 PM PST by
Ok, looks like it will work after all. I am a little surprise. Socket did not change, just the CPU package.
Dec 28th, 2011 at 3:35:13 PM PST by
Is this the stock cooler?
Dec 29th, 2011 at 9:13:00 PM PST by
Yes it is. It is the Stock Cooler for a AMD Phenom ii X4 970 3.5 Ghz CPU Quad Core. CPUs Wattage is 125W. So this fan was design to cool down this processor because processor gets to hot. However, my processor would still get better cooling from a commercial CPU Cooler so I purchased a new one a day after installing stock cooler.
Dec 30th, 2011 at 10:39:02 AM PST by
This is not worth the 3000, it is the stock cooler that came with your phenom (I know it's a phenom cuz the athlon have smaller heatsinks that come with them). You should have free shipping no matter what for something like this :P plzzzz
Dec 30th, 2011 at 8:10:01 PM PST by
You clearly have not been reading the other comments or my updated message in the description. This was change to Free Shipping 2 days ago. You are requesting Free Shipping when it already was Free Shipping DUH. I also mentioned this was a Stock Cooler In the comment below and for what processor before you went rambling about how you know this is for a phenom... One more thing, this is my auction, only I decide what is free shipping or not, if you do not like it, MOVE ON.
Dec 31st, 2011 at 11:14:06 AM PST by
@christopherdspurling Yes it should, AMD is knowing for making all their heatsinks be universal. I don't think it would fit on something before an AM2, but AM2 and up should be fine.
Dec 30th, 2011 at 8:11:20 PM PST by
Thanks, This is true, but I thought I already answered this type of question.
Dec 31st, 2011 at 11:03:49 AM PST by

CPU FAN and Heat Sink for AM3 Motherboards is in the Computers & Networking | Computer Components category