Im if your talking about the comment I left, it was in response to the comment the previous bidder left. She feels negetively toward it because she believes it gives the wicca community a bad name and reflects all wiccians including the false one, the main charecter, in a bad ot negitive way. The main charector in the story is a kind nice girl who comes to find out she is a "witch" ,or wiccian. Theauthors job is to create lovable, enjoyable charectors, whom you see in a positive light, fall in love with, or routs for in times of trouble. In this book I believe the two woman, the authors, one a phd of wiccian culture/ religion, did an excellant job. Im not sure, but I beive not only does she have a phd in religious studies, but she may also be a practiseing wiccan herself. Im not sure though.
i read all 5 of them and even though i thought it was extremely dark ( enough for a serous book reader to stop reading) but i did get through it and they are a really good books but are a little dark but good when you finish all of them.
I thought they were great as well, I didnt find them offensive st all. They are the gals behind the Buffy tv series as well. They are a super natuaral series, so I expevted thdm too be dark, especially knowing the Buffy ssries gets alittle dark as well.
Just have to say I read all the books. You all have to rember that back in the days years ago witches,warlocks,and wiccans were all thought to be evil. Some was and some wasn't. Only a true witch,wiccan and even a warlock knows the true meaning of the laws. Plus there is dark everywhere you look. Look at life now, people killing kid's,killing each other. Do I need to go on. Some people really need to know the history, mthys behind stuff before they past the darkness around with being neg. Neg is being dark.
I'm Wiccan. I loved the books. cogleykat is right, dark is everywhere. And for me, the book can only be taken so seriously, it IS a fiction. some of the information is true, some stretched, some false. If you can separate your religious viewpoint from your love of fantasy books, the whole series is a wonderful read. Great auction!
Thank you so much!! This is exactly what I was trying to find the words to say, and you having it founded and grounded because this is your belief/religion/ the was you choose to live your life, and your culture, I think makes the point so much more apparent. When we read books we choose to step outside of our own world and life, away from our self and beliefs/ways of thinking, into anothers world, body, and mind, and adapt as the main charecter would, to a point. This is the best reason to read for enjoyment. Because for that short span of time we can truly leave ourselves and shut out or turn off our own world and see feel and think inside someone elses created one.