Another cassette yes. You can always make them into CD's. I have a friend that's done that for me. The CD I sent you was from a karokee tape that got eaten. Ryan made it sound good though.
I listened to it a little bit just to see how it sounded. Same with the Madonna cassette. They sounded okay. You probably don't want to put them in a new cassette player. I have a old soundsign stero that plays cassettes quite well. It has a record player too. It was one of the last steros like that. It belonged to my sister. However you can always convert these tapes into CD's. I don't know how to do it and don't have the stuff for it. My friend has made cassettes into CD's for me. Of course he's in another state. He sends me CDs sometimes even when I don't ask for them. They are burnt ones.