The listing, 10 Duel Terminal Yugioh cards of your choice has ended.
Most of the cards are common Duel Terminals and only a couple are normal rare Duel Terminals. They are in mint/near mint condition and the winner chooses any 10 cards of my list. They are:
Common DTs:
Worm Linx, Worm Rakuyeh, Detonate, Kuribon, Magic Jammer, Worm Falco, Crystal Raigeki, Flamvell Dragnov, Cyber Twin Dragon, Flamvell Magician, Compulsory Evacuation Device, Destiny Draw, X-Saber Palomuro, Worm Barses, X-Saber Uruz, Blizzard Warrior, Mist Valley Thunderbird, Winged Kuriboh, Black Horn of Heaven, Worm Dimikles, Genex Searcher, Magical Arm Shield, Jurrac Protops, Michizure, Black Pendant, Malevolent Nuzzler, Buster Blader, Berserker Crush, Earthquake, Axe of Despair, Light of Intervention, Jurrac Brachis, Rush Recklessly, Worm Ugly, Fabled Miztoji.
Rare DTs:
Dark Necrofear, Ultimate Tyranno, Numbing Grub in the Ice Barrier, Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier, Mist Condor, and Evolution Burst.