great auction, fanned you :) and for brainmanmusicmedia, dont get discourage this is the point of listia and that's how an auction works everywhere, there would be more item that you can afford here but you are not the only one with the right with winning this. Also is not plantlady45's fault, she is a great seller since she's putting something of good value here so that's why everyone wants the item. i dont say this to make you feel bad, but to tell you that is nobody's fault. best thing you can do is watch on an item that you want that is ending in 5 days or up, you post some good stuff here, you get the credits and then you'll be able to get the item you want! this is how this woks, dont feel bad about it. you are not the only one who wants this!
I know thanks I quit bidding when I have less than 10,000 credits and I bid on big items when I have over 40,000 credits they better the item you put up the more credits your gonna get and you never know how good or bad something will do either but thats the chance you take I have alot of fun on here and have gotten all kinds of different things on here some that I never would buy with cash and Im gonna fan you right now and good luck :)
thank you :) i mean i dont have a lot of credits either but i still get good stuff here too and im not complaining or telling anyone to stop bidding -___- that's the point of the auction. I use my credits when i find something i really like and sometimes i cant even afford 1000 credits so i just keep looking for something similar and that worked pretty well for me!! the best thing here is that you also meet a lot of people here, i meet a lot of wonderful people here but also not so nice people, but that's life :) and thank you for fanning i'll see if i can win this one. also sometimes you dont win what you want but later you win something better :)