Free: Brand New Lip Smacker Set - Makeup - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Brand New Lip Smacker Set

Brand New Lip Smacker Set
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The listing, Brand New Lip Smacker Set has ended.

2 liquid glosses- Candy cane celebration, gumdrop pop
3 solid glosses- Vanilla lights, spun sugar shine, gumball gal

**DISCLAIMER** I will not lower days, I will ship upon auctions end and when shipping information is provided. I am describing these exactly as they are, all brand new. pet free smoke free home. Do not leave rude comments they will be removed. Please ask all questions prior. Please come to me with any concerns before leaving me negative feedback. Thanks! Check out my other auctions!

*** someone asked if I could do a GIN for these so I am trying it, Only thing I don't like is 2000 is the lowest GIN you can use and I have never had any of these go for more than 1000***
Questions & Comments
Do that many people leave rude remarks? I can't believe it, especially when THEIR GETTING A DEAL.. wow, that's a trip. That's all I wanted to say. I have seen that same thing (don't leave nasty remarks) on a few auctions here. Oh well, screw them and you have a great month! PS love your auctions! But until they fix my paypal acct I'm just window shopping....and it's killing me!!!! XO HAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Feb 1st, 2012 at 12:38:53 PM PST by
No money involved in my auctions unless that is you were referring to buying credits to bid lol. I put that on my auctions because i have seen several auctions where people have had to remove remarks by others, a lot of them are mad that they don't have credits to bid or just have something rude to say. I haven't had anyone make a rude comment yet. Thanks for checking out my auctions you have a great month yourself. Hope they get your paypal fixed soon so you can SHOP!! :)
Feb 1st, 2012 at 1:11:58 PM PST by
Ohhh! And your funny too!! So wait, let me wrap my head around this.....some people get mad and ugly because they don't have enough credits.....seriously? really? That is too funny! LOL..nol, for real...I am laughing out loud! I'll be back when they fix my acct, but I ain't mad! HAHAHAHA! :o
Feb 1st, 2012 at 1:35:41 PM PST by
lol alrighty :) nice talking to you have a lovely day!
Feb 1st, 2012 at 1:43:10 PM PST by

Brand New Lip Smacker Set is in the Health & Beauty | Makeup category