Free: Gray and white rose seeds - Gardening Seeds & Bulbs - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Gray and white rose seeds

Gray and white rose seeds
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Very unusual roses. Will grow in almost any soil but prefer loose soil. This is for 10 seeds. Sow in loose soil slightly acid that will hold water. Commonly used soil mixed w/ vermiculite, peat, sphagnum, perlite, tree fern, but the soil must be no foreign objects such as: gravel, broken bricks, glass, etc..

The first step : first rose seed into the 40 C degrees warm water and soak in cool water to soak for 4-6 hours , remove the seeds , soak the seeds germinate readily.

Step two: the seeds into the soil (Note: soil loose, breathable , good water holding capacity ) , generally 5 to 8 each container -on-demand . Depending on the seedlings after germination , growth conditions remain a strong ; germination thinning , as appropriate, to stay 1 to 3 seedlings .

After sowing container above cover with plastic wrap ( convenient bgs plastic film ) , the preservation of film stab a few holes breathable . Container on the sun, keep the temperature around 20 C degrees (if the temperature cannot reach 20 C degrees or just exceed the 20 C degrees, it is okay, the rose are strong).Most of the seeds can germinate after a week . After germination and seedlings thrive after transplanting into the ground .

I ship only within the United States, Puerto Rico and Canada.
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Gray and white rose seeds is in the Home & Garden | Gardening | Gardening Seeds & Bulbs category