yaadie, I believe he got more than 3000 for the last helmet ... and if someone has no feedback ratings, it's pointless to ask if they can do a GIN. You have to have your seller wings to use the gin option.
Dude, not to be rude, but you don't even know how this conversation started. I understand and know the facts so please keep your comments between you and the person selling. I am the one who won the other helmet and I asked this question at the time of the other auction without checking to see if he had seller wings.
All I did was answer your question in a reasonable manner. If you want to pout like a child about it, be my guest, but don't insult my intelligence by saying 'not to be rude', because people only say that when they know they are being rude.
biglukealaniz956, i have not heard anything from you at all other the other helmet. can you provide email address for paypal for the winner and shipping time. It has been 5 days on the other auction with no response from you.