The listing, ,¤°´* Winner's Choice Pokemon Auction!! 1st Edition/HoloFoils/Japanese/Shadowless/Promos*`°¤, has ended.
Another Winner's Choice Auction!! NEW CARDS ADDED! Winner can choose a card from those listed below (Some cards are no longer available)
1st Edition: (Jungle: Vileplume, Pikachu, Tauros, Nidoran, Dodrio, Mankey, Goldeen), (Fossil: Geodude, Slowpoke, Kingler,Graveler), (Rocket: Grimer, Rattata, Dark Machamp not pictured, Porygon, Dark Dragonair), (Gym Challenge: Brock's Diglett, Koga's Ekans, Koga's Koffing, Blaine's Doduo, Misty's Horsea, Brock's Mankey, Erika's Inysaur) (Gym Heroes: Misty's Seel)
1st ed. Trainer cards: Tickling Machine (Gym Heroes), Saffron City Gym (Gym Heroes), Warp Point (Gym challenge)
HoloFoils: Clefairy (Base 2), Alakazam, (Base), Kangaskan (MISPRINT Jungle)not pictured but still available, Koga's Beedrill (Gym Challenge), Erika's Vileplume (Gym Heroes), Ninetales (Base), Machamp (1st ed. Base), Hitmonchan (Base),
ShadowLess: Vulpix, Diglett, Machop, Staryu, Charmander, Gastly, Nidoran (female)
Promos: Arcanine is the only promo still available.
I will can add requests to the listing if given in time! Feel free to ask if you are looking for specific card(s)!! Please take a look at my other auctions!! Good Luck and Happy Bidding!!:3