I just want you all to know the days and times I have available. These are the only times this week I'll be doing sessions so schedule soon. These sessions are going quick!
Wednesday 12- Open 1- Open 2- Booked
(Wednesday sessions are $25.00 for 25-30 pictures/poses, and the disc with all copyrights.)
Thursday 12- Open 1- Booked 2- Open
Friday 12- Open 1- Booked
Saturday 11- Booked 12- Open 1- Booked 2- Open 3-6- Booked
(These sessions are all $55.00. This is our month of May special. You'll receive anywhere from 50-100 pictures/poses. This includes the sitting fee and all outfit changes. These will also be done at the Levi Jackson park so they will look a lot different then the week day sessions.)
If you have any questions or are interested in booking one of these times/days then let me know as soon as you can. I have a lot of people contacting me about these.