It is my business just as it is every user on Lista that provides CLEAR and not misleading information. Since you don't seem to mind giving Lista a bad reputation I will just report it to them to take care of. Have a nice one.
Um, you really should have a better attitude towards your bidders. YOU WROTE X-Box And X-Box 360 Games, that would indicate to most english speakers that you are selling an XBOX AND XBOX GAMES as that is EXACTLY what you posted. If you werent intentionally being misleading then you need to treat people here with courtesy and respect before you get reported for false information on your auctions. Seriously, just be freakin nice
i do have a good attitude toward people.i never said in the posting that it was a x-box 360.XBox 360-Madden 07 Hall Of Fame Edition XBox 360- XBox Live Arcade XBox-Sega GT2002
Games Have Been used No Cases In Ok Shape With Some Scratches But Plays.
does that say that i auctioning off a xbox 360?????
They did, thats what brought them here to look at it. Even if it wasnt intentional, you plainly wrote that you were selling an XBOX AND GAMES. Why do you think they asked if the xbox was included. YOU INDICATED IT WAS. Plain and simple.
i do have a good attitude toward people.i never said in the posting that it was a x-box 360.XBox 360-Madden 07 Hall Of Fame Edition XBox 360- XBox Live Arcade XBox-Sega GT2002
Games Have Been used No Cases In Ok Shape With Some Scratches But Plays.
does that say that i auctioning off a xbox 360?????