Free: "America The Beautiful" Dorm Poster PG-13 - Other Home & Gardening Items - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: "America The Beautiful" Dorm Poster PG-13

"America The Beautiful" Dorm Poster PG-13
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The listing, "America The Beautiful" Dorm Poster PG-13 has ended.

Perfect poster for a college dorm. Image montage of tongue in cheek double entendre funny pictures. This hung in my own dorm room, there are no creases in it, but there are some ripples from being swished into an oval. There is a tear in the upper left corner. As for the PG13 rating, there are no exposed genetalia, but there are plenty of things that look like them, are suggestive of them, or reference sexual activities in some way. Like I said, dorm room poster.
I normally do free shipping, but I will ship this in a tube that I have to buy and they cost more to ship the tubes. Still, $2 shipping to my PayPal account is still a bargain on the shipping cost!
Questions & Comments
~ Lovely Auction ~ Thank you for taking the time to list ~ Best of Luck on all of your auctions ~ Will be fanning and watching ~
Feb 24th, 2012 at 9:36:23 AM PST by

"America The Beautiful" Dorm Poster PG-13 is in the Home & Garden | Other Home & Gardening Items category