Free: ~100~ Spurred Snapdragon seeds. Mixed colors - Gardening Seeds & Bulbs - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: ~100~ Spurred Snapdragon seeds. Mixed colors

~100~ Spurred Snapdragon seeds. Mixed colors
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The listing, ~100~ Spurred Snapdragon seeds. Mixed colors has ended.

I have an abundance of flower seeds both from my garden, and others I have bought/won to plant in this years garden.
BUT.....we have decided we are going to be moving at some point this year. So I am limiting my planting mostly to pots that can easily be transported. Which means, I have WAAAAYYYY too many seeds!!
I decided to share some on here rather than let them go to waste. I have done my best to find accurate pictures of all the plants. Either from my own garden or ones I have found on the net for those that are new to me this year.

This auction is for 100 Spurred Snapdragon seeds. I bought a large amount, and wont be able to use them all. Shipping is free. Happy bidding and good luck!!
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~100~ Spurred Snapdragon seeds. Mixed colors is in the Home & Garden | Gardening | Gardening Seeds & Bulbs category