Unfortunately I had to buy a box because the spread is quilted and it cost $9 let alone the cost of what the shipping will cost. I will be spending a total of about $25 to ship the set. Future shippings will be free. How do I not flag comments?
My camera could not get a decent picture of the spread because my bedroom is too dark and I could not get but a small part of the spread and trying to do a collage did not work, so I had to use the stock picture which looks exactly like it did in my room except for the curtains and flower arrangement, and I also had 2 of the square pillows on the bed (in addition to one of my cats hidden in them to sleep).
I am curious why you hid my comment. I just asked you if it was a stock picture, and about shipping. I was going to bid on it, but I want to see what the problem is.
If you read her comment above she ask how does she not flag comments? I'm sure what the problem is or how to stop it. Love your auction, wish it was Queen size. Even paying shipping I feel this would be a great deal thats a lot of pieces. Fanned you. Good luck with your auction it's a good one !
Yes I read that, but thats not the same as hiding them. I guess she got all confuse. Yes it is a nice auction. I would like to clarify how much is shipping. I guess it is approx. $12 or so like she said previously. Hope she responds.