ok, i can put a gin on the set and you pay the gin[i did'nt know what that meant forever]Get It Now!Auction completed,listia gets their credits,i get mine and you get the jewels.Sound, ok? Now to figure out how many credits,how many credits do you have or want to let go of for these jewels?let me know and i can list right away.
Funny thing is...I just learned what GIN meant just yesterday 'cuz I saw it on some other auction, so I asked!! I have no idea how to figure how many credits this is worth...like I said this is my first time ever at doing this! I don't even know how I found this site or how I got the credits! So, how long have you been doing this? I'm sure you're more experienced at this than I am! So, what would be fair to you? Let me know..OK?
i figure about 1500 they get 500 i get 1000.ok..I will put this on after 5:00. I have to go to work,well playI take care of an 93 year old lady we go shopping,etc.
Cool...you're a caregiver! I've had my share of caregivers for the past couple of years now and I must say...the first girl I used was great and ended up being my BFF and the second one (who is still now) is my Dad! Anyways...thanx for figuring out how many credits the whole set would be! It sounds very reasonable! But..since I'm still so new at this...I only have 450 credits! So, don't worry about listing the set together for me. I can really only bid on 1 item! Sorry about that! Do you know how I can get more credits?
Ithought you might not have too many being so new.. look up in right corner of any page and it says get credits.It explains differant ways to get them.look for the set later on,as i am moving and wont list much till that horror of horrors is over.