Free: Band-Aid curad Johnson and Johnson more 46 pieces first aid supplies - Other Home & Gardening Items - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Band-Aid curad Johnson and Johnson more 46 pieces first aid supplies

Band-Aid curad Johnson and Johnson more 46 pieces first aid supplies
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The listing, Band-Aid curad Johnson and Johnson more 46 pieces first aid supplies has ended.

46 pieces in all Band-Aids gauze gloves guide.
Couple different brands you get everything.
I have quite a few first aid kits, they do come in handy.
I figured I would let you guys have some of the supplies.
These are always great to have around the house especially with children

Look at all the pictures yes you do get everything
Questions & Comments
Ate you kidding me! I can't keep this stuff in my house! My kids use this stuff up like candy!
Aug 10th, 2017 at 1:07:29 PM PDT by
Oh yes trust me I know how that is I have a first aid kit in the bathroom both bathrooms the kitchen the garage and my bedroom oh yeah and one in the kids room I just figured I would share
Aug 10th, 2017 at 1:09:13 PM PDT by
Grrrr ARE*
Aug 10th, 2017 at 1:08:17 PM PDT by
Aug 10th, 2017 at 1:09:19 PM PDT by
No, you don't understand. I shop at Costco and I still don't have any!
My father in law was visiting one time and he cut himself and as I was speed walking to my bathroom I was talking to myself "oh please just find one Band-Aid for Dad!" and I did and that was the only one.
Aug 10th, 2017 at 1:12:20 PM PDT by
Lol, oh yeah I understand now. :)
Aug 10th, 2017 at 1:13:05 PM PDT by

Band-Aid curad Johnson and Johnson more 46 pieces first aid supplies is in the Home & Garden | Other Home & Gardening Items category