The listing, Laurell K Hamilton Nightseer has ended.
Keleios wishes for magical powers so that she can avenge her mother's death, but with them comes terrible danger--a key that can unleash a terrible wrath upon the world. The key will fulfill her dreams of vengeance, but unless it is used properly, it will also cause widespread suffering.
An evil witch murdered her mother when she was only five, but now that Keleios has grown into her own magical powers, revenge will be sweet. But with that power comes the dreaded demonmark, offering undreamed of abilities and luring her with the dark side of magic. Is avenging her mother's death worth sacrificing her soul?
Young Kelios has a dream of her mother being killed by the evil witch Harque, and the dream unfortunately is realized. Her prophetic powers are discovered, and Kelios is sent to wizardry training on the isle of Astrantha, where she is destined to exact revenge by stalking the dreaded witch. SB very little shelf ware read once, great copy original not reprint. Thank you for looking and Good Luck!