I sent you a reply yesterday, (carnelian, etc.) but this page comes up saying I haven't answered your query. Would you let me know if you got my previous message ? If not i'll resend. Thanks
Can you please get verified..your phone number and credit card, or at least the phone number. This makes it easier when you are new to establish trust. Thank you.
I have just now verified my phone but am reticent to hook up my bank account since there will be no exchange of funds, & it's already attached to paypal which this site uses. (I've been aware of this site for just about 48 hours) I'll fb I think. Thanks Dawn & I "fanned" you.
I do. it's CARNELIAN. Thank You for the "fan" thing. I will reciprocate. I just stumbled into this website and am trying to figure out how it works. I'm finding it's Unusual & Unique. Again, Thanks