It may take me awhile to ship it, hopefully no longer than a week, but seeing as its coming to a stand still Ill take off shipping if it goes over 7500.
Just curious why it would take a week or more to ship the item? When you first start Listing Auctions (no seller ratings or feedback) it's a good idea to offer free shipping & ship as quickly as possible so that you ensure positive feedback. You'll also get much higher bids & 3x as many. It really goes a long way toward instilling confidence in the bidders! You can mail this item for under $5 USPS or a little more with confirmation. If the money is a problem or work schedule, plan your auctions ending so that you will be able to ship immediately. Just a little advice to help you achieve positive feedback & become a successful Listian! Have a great weekend, Cameron!
Im unfortunate to not be holding a job as of now and I do menial work for the little amount of money I do come up with. Upon paying for postage Ill have to come up with the money which can take a few days depending on who is offering what job and what ever kind of money they want to pay me for it. I also have not picked up bubble wrap/ packing peanuts/ or anything protective to put this in and would like to appear that Im not stricken with poverty and providing shipping that would be obscene in a third world country. Ive been active everyday since I signed up on this site answering questions/ bidding/ and answering to peoples pleas for free shipping on literally EVERYthing I post. That should instill some kind of confidence in my bidders.