The listing, 4 Dell Inspiron 2600's & 2650 has ended.
Ok,Bare with me all bc I am TOTALLY new at Anyway ,I have 3 Dell Inspiron 2600 laptops and 1 2650 model. I bought them off of Ebay last year bc I got OVER excited when I saw them 4sale as a lot on there ,i only paid $60 total!,course $40 of that was for shipping.However,I have no idea how much it will cost now to ship these,i would imagine it depends on weight,where they will be shipped to and so on. So I guess I have to ask for the $40 but I promise that u only have to pay me EXACTLY what I pay the PO to ship these.I will send/email the receit.They are sold AS-IS,bc ,of course,they need some work. My hubby was gonna try and set up 3 of them and use 1,strictly as parts. Far as I know they all used to boot to BIOS..need hard drive/hard drive chargers. I am assuming the batteries work though,but not sure how well. I just don't know much about them bc I got them and all they are doing is taking up space and collecting dust. And I was QUITE hasty in buying them,I thought it would be EASY for US,who know NOTHING about fixing up pc's and whatnot,to actually fix them them Also the pics I posted on here are just some I pulled off the internet,but ours are in pretty good shape cosmetically,with i guess,normal wear n tear. I don't have a cell phone to take pics and send these,nor a digital camera..heck not even a non-digital camera,lol. (thats something I am actually hoping to find on here if I can actually get a decent amount of credits)lol, If i did have a camera I would definetly of posted actual pics,but other than some wear n tear,this is them. Any questions u have I can TRY and answer for u,but if u know about computers,than u should b good anyway. Some1 with know-how is a definet plus,don't go blind like I did,I mean none of its really that hard and the stuff is actually pretty cheap to buy on ebay,but we just don't feel like dealing with it ,nor do we even have that $. Thanks for checking this out and have fun bidding!!....Lisa