Haileyann to answer youre question - you have to buy the tips. (i believe) This auction seems to only have the powder/nail strenghtener & natural absolute.You would need to buy the proper professional nail tools and to buy the nail tips.
@HaileyAnn this is only the polymer (powder) needed for acrylics... you will need to get OPI absolute brand monomer (liquid) to use with it. OPI enhancement products are usually only sold to licensed professionals, but you should be able to find OPI Absolute monomer on Amazon and/or Ebay (it is not exactly cheap). Just don't go to Sally's and get a generic monomer to use with this,.. *It is a bad idea to mix brands.*
Also, you need 2 glass dappen dishes, a dehydrator & bonder for nail-prep (not the nail envy stuff) a round sable brush (or other NATURAL hair brush, do NOT use a synthetic brush with acrylics), varying grits of files and a lot of time. ;) I am a nail tech student & I graduate this summer - so feel free to ask me any questions. Acrylic is not an easy process to master though... and one can seriously damage their nails if things are not done properly.