Free: SAFELINK/TRACPHONE - Phones - Auctions for Free Stuff


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The listing, SAFELINK/TRACPHONE has ended.

this cell phone is for safelink or tracphone ONLY, it does NOT include sim card.
when you to get your new phone number you will get a new sim card. works great, has caller id, call waiting, voice mail, speakerphone, calendar, alarms, etc. this phone does not have camera feature. this is nice phone, works great, has been used by adult for 1.5 years. so has minor wear/tear on it, but nohting major. we jsut dont qualify for safelink anymore so we dont need this phone, this is a great phone for anyone but esp for those who like basic simple phones wihtout all hte bells and whistles but does have features for life, calendar, alarms, tip caluclator, variety of included ringtones, text messaging etc. also 2 free games are loaded on teh phone already. i DO have the wall charger for it, just forgot to include it in pic. shipping includes delivery confirmation, and paypal fees, and priorty mail shipping. good luck and good bidding
Questions & Comments
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
is it a prepaid phone
Apr 5th, 2012 at 5:51:36 PM PDT by
can u make it free shipping pleez u will get a lot more bids
Apr 7th, 2012 at 9:11:31 AM PDT by

SAFELINK/TRACPHONE is in the Cell Phones | Phones category